Monday, February 27, 2017

Author du Jour: Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu, Douglas Abrams," The Book of Joy"…u-douglas-abrams/ ‎

The Book of Joy,” by the Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu, and Douglas Abrams

(Avery, pp 356, $26.00)

A major contradiction lies at the heart of Western societies. The constant pressure towards the quest for happiness. It is no secret that the pressure to be happy creates more anxiety than....

Read book review . . . . HERE.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Author du Jour: Eric Beaumard, "The Wines of My Life" ‎
"The Wines of My Life, " by Eric Beaumard

(Abrams pp 280, $45.00)

"The Wines of My Life" is a very important book for two reasons. First it was written by, perhaps, the most influential sommelier in the world, Eric Beaumard,...

Read book review HERE

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Author du Jour: K. J. Howe, "Freedom Broker"

Freedom Broker” by K. J. Howe

(Quercus, pp 374, $ 26.99)

At “Books du Jour,” we pay special attention to first-timers. They are an important step to the continuity of the book business. Reviewing established authors calls for a safe stance. Taking risks . . .

Read book review . . . HERE

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Author du Jour" Miroslav Volf, "Flourishing"

Flourishing: Why We Need Religion in a Globalized World,” by Miroslav Volf

(Yale University Press, pp 304, $28.00)

Do religions still hold value in our lives in an age of globalization?  There is indeed a paradox in the reactionary violent stance with religions given that both globalization

Read book review HERE

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Author du Jour: Richard Haass, "A World in Disarray" ‎
A World in Disarray,” by Richard Haass

(Penguin Press, pp 341, $28.00)

This book has a lot of merit. The timing could not be better, given the current environment at the White House.  Though I do not subscribe with all the solutions, the author clearly chisels . . .

Read book Review HERE.