Thursday, May 18, 2017

Author du Jour: Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn & Dr. Elissa Epel, "The Telomere Effect"…burn-elissa-epel/ ‎
The Telomere Effect: a Revolutionary Approach to Living Younger, Healthier, Longer,” by Elizabeth Blackburn, PhD and Elissa Epel, PhD

(Grand Central Publishing, pp 399, $28.00)

Whoever came up with the subtitle for this fascinating book did an excellent job creating a strong hook. Who indeed would not want to live longer? Contrary to what you may consider, that life is just a game of roulette, with molecules moving one way and DNA reacting in another . . . Read book review ....

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Author du Jour: Suzanna O'Sullivan, "Is It All in Your Head?" ‎
Is It all in Your Head? Trues Stories of imaginary Illness,” by Suzanne O’Sullivan, MD

(Other Press, pp 296, $26.95)

Psychosomatic illness is problematic. Disregarded as not real, it is often not considered seriously and is relegated to footnotes in medical books. And yet, it is all around us, often having debilitating effects on the sufferer, which can last for years in some cases. According to Dr. O’Sullivan,

Read book Review HERE