Monday, October 16, 2017

Author du Jour: Teresa Messineo, "The Fire by Night"

The Fire by Night,” by Teresa Messineo

(William Morrow, pp 302, $ 26.99)

Though all wars results in the same atrocious outcome, they are hardly similar in their origins. They often start with an incident, a provocation, appearing to . . .

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Monday, October 9, 2017

Author du Jour: Deborah Crombie, "Garden of Lamentations" ‎
Garden of Lamentations,” by Deborah Crombie

(William Morrow, pp 400, $15.99)

A new shipment from Texas transplant, Deborah Crombie, to the UK brings another powerful thriller featuring the Scotland Yard detectives Duncan...

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Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Author du Jour: Elliot Ackerman, "Dark at the Crossing" ‎
Dark At the Crossing,” by Elliot Ackerman

(Alfred A. Knopf, pp 256, $ 25.95)

Here is an author whose fiction cannot be separated from his life, or, if you indulge me, whose novels....

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